Zen Supermom: The Mental Fitness Podcast

Ep 137: You Don't Have to Wait to be Loved

Alena Gomes Rodrigues Season 3 Episode 137

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How do you attract, create, or keep someone who loves you unconditionally?
And do you give your kids the feeling that they are loved and lovable no matter what?
So that they don't grow up being controlling, perfecting, hyper-achieving people-pleasers who feel like they need to earn your love? (Just like you probably did when you were little...)

The answer is: it starts with you.
You can't give to others what you are lacking yourself.

You can't attract a healthy, loving relationship if you don't feel worthy of being loved just the way you are right now. And if you don't respect your boundaries.

That's why, already 3 years ago, I designed a 31-day unconditional self-love practice.
Because it is a practice. There's no one quick fix.
And I'm sharing there the best, fastest, proven tools that helped hundreds of women I worked with directly, and thousands of others who just went through this practice alone.

It's free, and yet, it's powerful.
So grab it now and keep me posted about how it's working for you: https://www.zensupermom.com/31-day-unconditional-self-love

That's my Valentine's gift for you this year. :)
Because you deserve to feel worthy of love.

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About the Author:

Alena Gomes Rodrigues is a mommy tantrum specialist and the founder of the Zen Supermom method.

She's definitely NOT a supermom.

But through her own journey as a recovering perfectionist, hyper-achiever, and a 'Momzilla', she discovered the most effective strategy and tools to help busy moms stop yelling at their kids and set & keap healthy boundaries so that they stay calm, at peace, and happy no matter how stressful their life gets.

Want to know HOW? Join us for the upcoming free workshop! https://www.zensupermom.com/workshop

Have feedback & comments? Email hi@zensupermom.com

Learn more about the Zen Supermom Method and the author of this podcast on the Zen Supermom web

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